There is no such thing as graduation at Confirmation! All adults ages 18+ are invited to join us for adult faith formation classes. Adult formation opportunities are offered throughout the year and mainly meet during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Please refer to the parish bulletin and the Diocesan Adult Faith Formation flyer for details on upcoming classes.
Becoming Catholic – RCIA
RCIA is a journey of faith process designed to serve unbaptized adults and adults baptized in another Christian faith tradition. During initial sessions of RCIA, individuals who are inquiring about the Catholic faith are able to get answers to their questions about Catholicism. Sessions that follow are dedicated to preparing those who decide to become Catholic. After their time of preparation, those who are to be Baptized, or to come into full communion with the Catholic Church, celebrate the Initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion) at the Easter Vigil.
Thursdays, 7:00 PM, September-Easter Season.
Contact: Pastoral Office at 901-754-7146
Daughters of the King
More content coming soon!
Fishers of Men
This diocesan movement is for men who want to grow spiritually, in the company of other men, through prayer, study and small group sharing. Holy Spirit Fishers of Men group meets Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:30 AM.
Contact: Juan Kindelan at juanlk@bellsouth.net or phone 901-606-3619
Sunday Morning Scripture Study
All adults of the parish are encouraged to attend Sunday Morning Scripture Study, which meets at 8:45 AM on Sundays. This is a learning and sharing experience.
Contact: Stephen Russell at srussell705@gmail.com or phone 901-246-0159
Seasonal Studies
Parish-wide opportunities to grow in your faith are offered throughout the year.
Fall Book Study: Join a small group to discuss The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn, beginning the first week of October, continuing through the last week of November.
Advent Study: TBD
Spring Study: Join us to learn more about the Catholic teachings on the Eucharist. Details are TBD.
Lenten Study: TBD
VIRTUS, led by The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc., aims to eliminate abuse of children in our Catholic communities by providing training on the warning signs and proper procedures when faced with such injustices. To be an employee or volunteer in any environment that involves children in our Catholic communities across West Tennessee, one must attend the VIRTUS training. In addition to the formal training sessions, VIRTUS creates articles to supplement one’s training.
Any adult that volunteers or works with children at Holy Spirit must complete this training and have a background check.
Marriage and Other
Engaged couples preparing for the sacrament of Matrimony, and parents and godparents preparing for the sacrament of Baptism of a child, must schedule appointments through the parish office:
Contact for Marriage preparation: Fr. Mathew Panackachira, Pastor at 901-754-7146
Contact for Baptism preparation: Pastoral Office at 901-754-7146