Sandwich Ministry

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This week we had 79 loaves, cans /packs of tuna/chicken and lots of veggies from the HS garden

We are back to Monday pick up, same time, same place.

If you bring your loaves to Mass Monday morning, please leave them on the counter on the Batson Center Kitchen instead of the bench in the Narthex.  Please do not leave any loaves on the fridge on the small kitchen in the conference room.

Just a reminder about our sandwich ministry.  God bless you and keep you and your loved ones.  Please consider making an extra loaf if you can, any type will do.
If you know someone that wants to join, just forward this reminder to them and ask them to e-mail me and I’ll add them to the list.  Or just ask them to drive by Monday morning and bring a loaf or two, or, just drop them in the Batson Center kitchen middle fridge during Mass on  Saturday or Sunday.

We have expanded this to the HS church community and friends.  Please pass the word and help feed the needy.

  • Buy a loaf of sliced bread for sandwiches, or two if you can afford to make more,
  • buy meat and cheese (can be any kind such as peanut butter and jelly, bologna, ham, turkey, chicken, sliced cheese.)
  • make the sandwiches – please NO DRESSING (MUSTARD, mayo, butter, etc., of any kind) just the plain sandwich.
  • put each sandwich individually in a sandwich bag, foil or plastic wrapper – unwrapped sandwiches can not be accepted.
  • put all the sandwich bags back in the plastic sleeve the bread came in and tie the bag back with a twist tie so sandwiches can stay in the bag.
  • PLEASE TAG ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE SLEEVE WHICH TYPE OF SANDWICH IT IS.  PB&J, Ham and cheese, bologna and cheese, etc.
  • bring the sandwiches to the Holy Spirit parking lot between 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM Monday morning.  Address is 2300 Hickory Crest Dr. Memphis, TN 38119.
  • You can also drop them off after Mass at the middle fridge in the Batson Center Kitchen.  Make sure you label the sleeve with the contents

I think that this is a great charitable contribution to those in most need in our city.I have stopped the sign up part since everyone pretty knows by now how to do this.  Thanks to those that did use it.

Bless you all for your kindness and if you can not participate, please keep our city and our church in your prayers.

Juan Kindelan
Holy Spirit