Parent/Godparent Preparation Sacramental Celebration: by Appointment –
Contact: Pastoral Office at 901-754-7146

First Eucharist
Contact: Wendy Gabb, Director of Faith Formation at wendy.gabb@hspirit.cdom.org or phone 901-754-7146-Ext. 30

Holy Orders, Religious Life
Those interested in pursuing a vocation to the priesthood, the permanent deaconate, or to the religious life as a sister or brother, are invited to contact one of the parish priests.

Marriage Preparation
Begins with an appointment with the Pastor.
Engaged couples first meet with their Pastor. The marriage preparation process (minimum of six months: a series of meetings with a priest or deacon, gathering paperwork, and a retreat day for Engaged Couples) follows. The parish and diocese also offer “couple-to-couple mentoring” as part of Marriage Preparation and as a year-long follow-up after the reception of the sacrament.
After meeting with the Pastor, couples who will celebrate their wedding here at Church of the Holy Spirit are required to contact the Wedding Coordinator.
Contact: Pastoral Office for details at 901-754-7146.

Saturdays: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM, or weekdays: by appointment.
Additional times for private confession are available during the days before Christmas and Easter. Communal Penance Services are scheduled during Advent and Lent, when additional confessors join our priests.
Contact: Pastoral Office at 901-754-7146

Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick is administered to Catholics who request it at any time, whether at home or in the hospital. Parishioners preparing for serious surgery are encouraged to receive the sacrament following one of the weekday Masses, so that members of the parish community can participate in the prayer. We have a Healing Mass once a year. It is usually held in February and Anointing of the Sick is offered at that Mass as well.
Contact Pastoral Office 901-754-7146

Bereavement and Funeral Planning
Planning for a funeral, and assistance to the bereaved family and friends, are provided by the Pastoral Staff and members of the Bereavement Ministry.
For assistance at the time of death and/or assistance with advance planning of funeral services: Pastoral Office at 901-754-7146.

Flower Memorials
To honor or remember a loved one, or to celebrate a special event in your life, flowers can be placed in the sanctuary, in the chapel, or in the narthex. Flowers cannot be placed in the sanctuary during the Advent or Lenten seasons. Contact the Pastoral Office at least two weeks in advance of the date you would like to have the flowers. Special envelopes are available for Flower Memorials for Christmas and Easter seasons.
Contact: Ellie Vinson at Eleanor.vinson@hspirit.cdom.org or phone 901-754-7146 ext. 24

Mass Intentions
An individual may ask to offer a Mass for several reasons: in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday or anniversary), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died. 2 Maccabess 12:46 “This he made atonement for the dead that they might be absolved from their sin.” An offering of $10 is typical, but can be for any amount the requestor wishes. Specific dates and Mass times can be requested.
Contact: Ellie Vinson at Eleanor.vinson@hspirit.cdom.org or phone 901-754-7146 ext. 24