Ministry Group: Liturgical & Prayer Ministries
Rosary Groups
The long-standing parish Weekday Morning Rosary Group gathers in the Chapel AFTER every 8:00 AM Mass to pray the Rosary,…
Servants of the Upper Room Prayer Group
Everyone is invited to the Servants of the Upper Room Prayer Group to pray for our children, our grandchildren, our…
Centering Prayer Participant (Via Zoom)
Centering Prayer is a method of praying which moves one from more active prayer forms (which use the emotions, feelings,…
Adoration Participants
Adoration Ministry is a commitment by our parish community that we will, on most Fridays of the year, have individuals…
Laundry Sacristans humbly and lovingly serve God from their homes, laundering and ironing the altar cloths, purificators and other linens…
Environment & Decoration
These ministers decorate the worship space, altar, narthex and Batson Center to reflect the various seasons of the Liturgical year….
Altar Society
Serving for an hour on Friday or Saturday one weekend a month, these ministers care for our worship environments in…
Mass Coordinators
These ministers arrive for Mass early and stay late, in order to ready the worship space, the sacred vessels and…
Men and women assist at Sunday Masses, seating parishioners, overseeing comfort in the worship space, expediting the collection, and assisting…
Lectors, with permission of the Pastor, proclaim the sacred Scriptures at daily and Sunday Masses. Those serving in this ministry…
Mass Greeters
Greeters (Adults & Families) serve at Sunday Masses, welcoming visitors and parishioners to the Liturgy. These ministers can serve as…
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
With permission of the Pastor, lay persons assist ordained ministers (ordinaries) with the distribution of the Body and Precious Blood…
Altar Servers
Boys and girls (age 10/4th grade or older), teens and adults assist in the sacred Liturgy by acting as Mass…